Assembly Language Programming(4) EOR,LSL, LSR


5 min read


✅ Code Analysis (ARMv7 Assembly)

.global _start
    MOV R0, #0xFF    ; Store 0xFF (1111 1111) in R0
    MOV R1, #22      ; Store 22  (0001 0110) in R1
    EOR R2, R0, R1   ; R2 = R0 ⊕ R1 (Bitwise Exclusive OR)

✅ Meaning of EOR R2, R0, R1

  • The EOR (Exclusive OR, XOR) operation is performed → R2 = R0 ⊕ R1

  • XOR operation rules:

    • 0 ⊕ 0 = 0

    • 1 ⊕ 1 = 0

    • 0 ⊕ 1 = 1

    • 1 ⊕ 0 = 1

  • EOR is a type of logical operation, often used for bit toggling (flipping) or masking.

✅ Execution of EOR Operation

1. Binary representation of R0 and R1

R0 = 0xFF  = 1111 1111  (8-bit representation)
R1 = 22    = 0001 0110

2. XOR (EOR) operation

   1111 1111  (R0)
  0001 0110  (R1)
   1110 1001  (Result in R2)
  • Final result: 1110 1001 (binary) = 0xE9 (hexadecimal)

✅ Relationship with Logical Operations

EOR is one of the logical operations, along with AND, OR, and NOT.

ANDReturns 1 if both bits are 1 (&)R2 = R0 AND R1
ORRReturns 1 if at least one bit is 1 (``)
EORReturns 1 if bits are different ()R2 = R0 ⊕ R1
BICPerforms AND followed by NOT (& ~)BIC R2, R0, R1

✅ Summary

  • EOR R2, R0, R1 performs an XOR operation and stores the result in R2.

  • XOR operations are commonly used for bit toggling, masking, and hashing.

  • It is one of the logical operations, alongside AND, ORR, and NOT.


✅ Code Analysis (ARMv7 Assembly)

.global _start
    MOV R0, #10   ; Store 10 in R0 (0b0000 1010)
    LSL R0, #1    ; Shift R0 left by 1 bit (LSL = Logical Shift Left)
    LSR R0, #1    ; Shift R0 right by 1 bit (LSR = Logical Shift Right)

✅ Explanation of Each Instruction

1. MOV R0, #10

  • Stores 10 in R0.

  • Binary representation of 10:

      R0 = 0b0000 1010 (Decimal 10)

2. LSL R0, #1 (Logical Shift Left)

  • Shifts all bits in R0 to the left by 1 bit.

  • A 0 is inserted into the least significant bit (rightmost).

  • Shifting left by 1 bit is equivalent to multiplying by 2.

LSL Execution Process

R0 = 0b0000 1010  (10)
R0 = 0b0001 0100  (20)
  • After executing LSL R0, #1, R0 = 20.

3. LSR R0, #1 (Logical Shift Right)

  • Shifts all bits in R0 to the right by 1 bit.

  • A 0 is inserted into the most significant bit (leftmost).

  • Shifting right by 1 bit is equivalent to dividing by 2.

LSR Execution Process

R0 = 0b0001 0100  (20)  ; Value after LSL
R0 = 0b0000 1010  (10)
  • After executing LSR R0, #1, R0 returns to 10.

✅ Final Result

  1. MOV R0, #10R0 = 10

  2. LSL R0, #1R0 = 20

  3. LSR R0, #1R0 = 10 (Restored to original value)

✅ Summary

  • LSL R0, #1Shifts left by 1 bit (equivalent to multiplying by 2)

  • LSR R0, #1Shifts right by 1 bit (equivalent to dividing by 2)

  • Logical left shift (LSL) increases the value, while logical right shift (LSR) decreases it by halving.

MOV R1, R0, LSL #N VS LSL R0, #N

✅ Meaning of MOV R1, R0, LSL #1

MOV R1, R0, LSL #1
  • Shifts the value in R0 left by 1 bit (LSL) and stores the result in R1.

  • This is equivalent to R1 = R0 × 2, since shifting left by 1 bit effectively doubles the value.

✅ Execution Process

Example 1: When R0 = 10

MOV R0, #10       ; R0 = 10 (0b0000 1010)
MOV R1, R0, LSL #1 ; R1 = R0 << 1

Bitwise Operation

R0  = 0b0000 1010  (10)
R1  = 0b0001 0100  (20)
  • As a result, R1 = 20.

✅ Difference Between MOV R1, R0, LSL #N and LSL R0, #N

MOV R1, R0, LSL #1Shifts R0 left by 1 bit and stores the result in R1 (R0 remains unchanged)
LSL R0, #1Directly shifts R0 left by 1 bit (modifies R0)

Comparison Example

MOV R0, #10       
MOV R1, R0, LSL #1  ; R1 = R0 << 1 (R0 remains unchanged)
LSL R0, #1         ; R0 = R0 << 1 (R0 is modified)

✅ Final Summary

  • MOV R1, R0, LSL #1Shifts R0 left by 1 bit and stores the result in R1 (R0 remains unchanged).

  • Logical Shift Left (LSL) effectively doubles the value.

  • Unlike LSL R0, #1, this instruction does not modify R0 but instead stores the result in a different register (R1).