Assembly Language Programming(1) Start

πŸ’» Emulator for ARM programming


I use ARMv7 DE1-SoC.


This register is a 32-bit register (8 hexadecimal digits, 32-bit).

Each 0 represents a hexadecimal digit. And each hexadecimal digit holds 4 bits of data. (4bit*8=32bit)

(1) R0~R7 Registers

In ARMv7 (32-bit architecture), R0 to R7 are general-purpose registers (GPRs).
They can be used freely, but by convention, they often serve specific purposes.

βœ… Overview of R0~R7 (ARMv7, 32-bit)

R0First function argument (Argument 1)
R1Second function argument (Argument 2)
R2Third function argument (Argument 3)
R3Fourth function argument (Argument 4)
R4Callee-saved register (must be preserved across function calls)
R5Callee-saved register (must be preserved across function calls)
R6Callee-saved register (must be preserved across function calls)
R7Callee-saved register OR System Call Number (Syscall Number)

βœ… Detailed Explanation

  1. R0~R3 (Argument & Return Registers)

    • Used for passing function arguments.

    • The return value of a function is stored in R0.

    • If a function has more than four arguments, the extra arguments are passed via the stack.

Example (ARM Assembly)

    MOV R0, #5      ; First argument = 5
    MOV R1, #10     ; Second argument = 10
    BL add_numbers  ; Call add_numbers function
    MOV R4, R0      ; Store return value from R0 into R4
  1. R4~R7 (Callee-Saved Registers)

    • These registers must retain their values across function calls.

    • If a function modifies R4~R7, it must restore them before returning.

    • Often used for loop counters or temporary storage.

Example (Using PUSH/POP for Preservation)

    PUSH {R4, R5, R6, R7}  ; Save R4~R7 before modifying
    MOV R4, #20            ; Modify R4
    MOV R5, #30            ; Modify R5
    POP {R4, R5, R6, R7}   ; Restore original values before returning
  1. R7 (Syscall Number Register)

    • In Linux system calls, R7 holds the system call number.

    • Used with the SVC (Supervisor Call) instruction to request a system service.

Example (Linux Syscall: exit(0))

    MOV R7, #1   ; sys_exit (System call number 1)
    MOV R0, #0   ; Exit code 0
    SVC #0       ; Execute system call

βœ… Summary

  • R0~R3: Used for passing function arguments and storing return values.

  • R4~R7: Callee-saved registers (must be preserved across function calls).

  • R7: Also used for syscall numbers when making system calls.

If a function modifies R4~R7, it must restore them before returning.

(2) SP, LR, PC Register

1. SP (Stack Pointer)

  • Register Name: R13

  • Purpose: Points to the top of the stack.

  • Description:

    • Manages the memory location for local variables and register backup during function calls.

    • The stack typically grows downward (Descending Stack), so PUSH decreases SP, and POP increases SP.

Example (PUSH/POP operations)

    PUSH {R4, R5, R6}  ; Save R4~R6 to stack (SP decreases)
    POP {R4, R5, R6}   ; Restore R4~R6 from stack (SP increases)

  • Register Name: R14

  • Purpose: Stores the return address before calling a function.

  • Description:

    • The BL (Branch and Link) instruction saves the current PC (Program Counter) value to LR before jumping to a function.

    • At the end of the function, LR is restored to PC to return to the caller.

Example (Function Call and Return)

    BL my_function  ; Call my_function, store PC in LR
        MOV R0, #10   ; Function execution
        MOV PC, LR    ; Return to caller

3. PC (Program Counter)

  • Register Name: R15

  • Purpose: Stores the address of the currently executing instruction.

  • Description:

    • Modifying PC changes the program’s execution flow (e.g., branching, jumping).

    • PC increments by +4 (4 bytes) per instruction in 32-bit ARM.

    • Used for function calls, loops, conditional statements, and exception handling.

Example (PC Manipulation - Jump to Label)

    B my_label   ; Jump to my_label (PC changes)
        MOV R0, #5

βœ… Summary

SP (R13)Points to the top of the stack, manages function call stack.
LR (R14)Stores the return address for function calls.
PC (R15)Holds the current instruction address, controls program flow.

ARMv7 uses SP for stack management, LR for function returns, and PC for program execution control.
Understanding these registers is essential for function calls, stack operations, and branching.

(3) CPSR & SPSR Registers

1. CPSR (Current Program Status Register)

  • Purpose: Stores and controls the current processor state.

  • Contains: Flags, interrupt settings, and processor mode information.

  • Description:

    • Condition flags: N, Z, C, V store arithmetic results.

    • Interrupt control: Disables/enables IRQ and FIQ interrupts.

    • Processor mode: Indicates current execution mode (User, System, etc.).

βœ… CPSR Structure (32-bit)

31N (Negative)Set if result is negative
30Z (Zero)Set if result is zero
29C (Carry)Set if carry occurred
28V (Overflow)Set if overflow occurred
7I (IRQ Disable)1 = Disable IRQ interrupts
6F (FIQ Disable)1 = Disable FIQ interrupts
5T (Thumb Mode)1 = Enable Thumb mode
4-0ModeIndicates processor mode (User, System, etc.)

βœ… CPSR Example

MRS R0, CPSR     ; Read CPSR into R0
ORR R0, R0, #0x80 ; Disable IRQ (Set I bit)
MSR CPSR_c, R0    ; Write back to CPSR

This disables IRQ interrupts by modifying the CPSR register.

2. SPSR (Saved Program Status Register)

  • Purpose: Stores the previous CPSR value during exceptions or interrupts.

  • Description:

    • When an exception occurs, the current CPSR is saved into SPSR.

    • This allows the system to restore the original state after handling the exception.

    • Used only in privileged modes (Supervisor, FIQ, IRQ, Abort, Undefined).

βœ… SPSR Example

MRS R0, SPSR    ; Read SPSR into R0
MSR SPSR_c, R1  ; Write R1 value to SPSR

This reads and modifies the SPSR register.

βœ… CPSR vs SPSR Comparison

CPSRStores the current program status
SPSRStores CPSR during exceptions to restore later
  • CPSR is used for managing the current execution state.

  • SPSR is used for saving/restoring processor state during exceptions.

βœ… Summary

CPSR controls the processor's state, while SPSR helps store the CPSR value when an exception occurs.
SPSR is mainly used in privileged execution modes.


Code Explanation (ARM Assembly)

global _start  ; Declare _start as a global symbol (Entry Point)
_start:         ; Define the program's starting label

    MOV R0, #30  ; Store 30 in R0 (Exit Code)
    MOV R7, #1   ; Store 1 in R7 (sys_exit system call)
    SWI 0        ; Execute software interrupt (System call execution)

βœ… Explanation

  1. .global _start

    • Declares _start as a global symbol, making it the entry point of the program.
  2. _start:

    • A label marking the beginning of program execution.
  3. MOV R0, #30

    • Stores 30 in register R0.

    • In Linux system calls, R0 holds the exit code when calling sys_exit.

    • This means the program will terminate with an exit status of 30.

  4. MOV R7, #1

    • Stores 1 in register R7.

    • In ARM Linux, system call numbers are stored in R7.

    • 1 corresponds to the sys_exit system call, preparing the program for termination.

  5. SWI 0 (Software Interrupt, Supervisor Call)

    • Executes a software interrupt (SWI) to request a system call from the kernel.

    • Since R7 = 1 (sys_exit), the program will terminate.

βœ… Program Execution Summary

  • Execution starts at _start.

  • Sets exit code (30) in R0.

  • Prepares sys_exit system call (1) in R7.

  • Triggers the system call using SWI 0 β†’ Program terminates.

Thus, this program executes and immediately exits with an exit code of 30.