Assembly Language Programming (7)BL,BX


3 min read

Understanding BX and BL in ARM Assembly

In ARM assembly, BX (Branch and Exchange) and BL (Branch with Link) are essential for function calls and dynamic branching.

What does BL do?

  • Calls a subroutine (function).

  • Saves the return address in the Link Register (LR).

  • Execution jumps to the function.

✅ Example: Using BL to Call a Function

.global _start
    MOV R0, #5     ; Store 5 in R0
    MOV R1, #10    ; Store 10 in R1
    BL add_func    ; Call add_func (stores return address in LR)
    MOV R3, #4     ; This executes after returning from add_func

    ADD R2, R0, R1 ; R2 = R0 + R1 (5 + 10 = 15)
    BX LR          ; Return to the caller (_start)

Execution Flow

  1. BL add_func saves the return address in LR and jumps to add_func.

  2. The function executes R2 = R0 + R1.

  3. BX LR returns to _start, continuing execution from MOV R3, #4.

BX (Branch and Exchange)

What does BX do?

  • Jumps to an address stored in a register.

  • Used for returning from functions (BX LR).

  • Can switch between ARM and Thumb modes (based on the least significant bit of the address).

  • Can be used for dynamic function calls (BX Rn).

Example 1: Returning from a Function (BX LR)

.global _start
    MOV R0, #3
    MOV R1, #7
    BL multiply    ; Calls function (stores return address in LR)
    MOV R3, #4     ; Executes after returning from multiply

    MUL R2, R0, R1 ; R2 = R0 * R1 (3 * 7 = 21)
    BX LR          ; Return to caller (_start)

Execution Flow

  1. BL multiply stores return address in LR and jumps to multiply.

  2. MUL instruction multiplies R0 and R1, storing the result in R2.

  3. BX LR returns to _start, continuing execution with MOV R3, #4.

Example 2: Dynamic Function Calls (BX Rn)

.global _start
    LDR R1, =func  ; Load function address into R1
    BX R1          ; Jump to function address in R1

    MOV R0, #42    ; Store 42 in R0
    BX LR          ; Return to caller
  • BX R1 jumps to the address stored in R1.

  • func executes and returns via BX LR.

  • This is useful for function pointers or dynamic branching.

Example 3: Mode Switching using BX

BX R0   ; Switch mode based on R0’s address LSB (0 = ARM mode, 1 = Thumb mode)
  • If R0’s least significant bit (LSB) is 1, execution switches to Thumb mode.

  • If R0’s LSB is 0, execution remains in ARM mode.

Difference Between BX and BL

BL labelCalls a function (stores return address in LR)
BX LRReturns from a function (jumps to the address in LR)
BX RnJumps to the address in Rn (dynamic branching)

✅ Summary

  1. Use BL function_name to call a function (stores the return address in LR).

  2. Use BX LR to return from a function (jumps to the saved return address).

  3. Use BX Rn for dynamic jumps (when Rn contains a function address).

  4. BX can switch between ARM and Thumb modes based on the least significant bit of the address.

Thus, BL is for calling functions, and BX is for returning or dynamic branching! 🚀